Tuesday, July 29, 2008

25 Things That Happen With Aging and What You Can Do About Them

The following is a selection, from a long list, of things that happen to us as we age. The good news is there are things we can do to slow down, and in some instances even stop or reverse, these particular aging processes.

1. Lean Muscle Mass decrease - accelerates after about age 40, averaging a loss of about 7 lbs. of lean muscle mass per decade.

Remedy: Do exercises to increase muscle mass, or to decrease the rate of loss. Take 1 teaspoon of glutathione 3 times a day, which will help to increase muscle mass. Eat more high chlorophyll foods to build blood which in turn builds muscle. Eliminate all animal protein and complex carbohydrate intake to reduce acidity that tenderizes and weakens muscle cells. Whole body or whole cell exercising with a rebounder and/or whole body vibrational machine will help to remove acids from the tissues and prevent and/or reverse tissue wasting. Drink 3 to 4 liters or quarts of electron rich alkaline water with 1 to 2 scoops of pHruits and pHloage.

2. Skin "thickness" decreases... resulting in increased wrinkles.

Remedy: Take supplements of vitamin A, C, E, and glutathione. Eliminate all animal protein and complex carbohydrates. Increase your intake of green fruits and vegetables which are high in chlorophyll that will help build healthy blood and in turn help build healthy skin cells. The quality of the blood will determine the quality of the skin cells and the quality of the red blood cells as the primary stem cells will be determined by the quality and quantity of green fruits and vegetables eaten. Take at least 9 to 12 servings of green fruits or vegetables a day or supplement your diet with a concentration of fruits and vegetables called pHruits and pHolage. Take 1 to 2 capsules or pHruits and pHolage with alkaline water 3 times daily.

3. Body strength, stamina, and reflex speeds decreases.

Remedy: Do low impact and static attraction exercises. Try to EAT much more chlorophyll rich foods and eat 60 grams of polyunsaturated fats.

4. Toxic "heavy" metals, such as lead and mercury accumulate throughout our lives in our bodies. These heavy metals accumulate in the heart, liver, brain and the spinal column, causing damage. This process probably starts soon after birth. Lead will cause learning disabilities. Mercury accumulation causes both learning deficiencies and muscle pain. Both probably also contribute to unknown tissue damage, resulting in increases in other terrible diseases.

Remedy: Get an analysis done to determine what levels of toxic metals are in your body. Of course, if you smoke, quit smoking. Drink 3 to 4 liters or quarts of electron rich alkaline water with 1 to 2 scoops of pHruits and pHloage to help lower the levels of toxic metals. Take 1 teaspoon of Glutathione 3 times a day. Dry heat sauna, lymphatic massage and exercise can also help lower some toxins. Avoid contact as much as possible with mercury and lead in paints, fungus creams, etc. The greatest amount of mercury is foolishly placed into your mouth by ignorant dentists, via so-called "silver" amalgams (if dentists would call them "mercury amalgams," like they should since they are more than 50% mercury, then they might lose business...) Utterly refuse any mercury amalgams in your mouth, and consider removing and replacing the ones you have!

5. Basal Metabolism Rate decreases. The thyroid gland produces less hormone.

Remedy: As we age, the Thyroid Gland produces less Thyroid Hormone. You should elliminate all protein and complex carbohydrates from your diet; eat more alkaline electron rich, high water content and high chlorophyll content foods and drinks. Start taking 1 to 2 teaspoons of pHour salts containing sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium. Spray the pHlavor salt in your mouth every hour or when you feel a decrease in energy.

6. Hearing Loss, Impaired Eyesight.

Remedy: Take supplemental Glutathione, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E. Place 1 drop in each ear or each eye of colloidal copper, gold, silver and titanium. Drink 3 to 4 liters or quarts of electron rich alkaline water with 1 to 2 scoops of pHruits and pHloage.

7. LDL Cholesterol, (Low Density Lipoprotein) increases when we are more acidic, and HDL Cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein) decreases when we are eating acidic foods.

Remedy: There has been a lot of discussion recently about "good" cholesterol, and "bad" cholesterol. These are actually artificial distinctions which have no real correlation to what is actually going on in the body. For example, LDL (often called "bad" cholestorol) is actually good for buffering acids and HDL (often called "good" cholesterol) is good for driving nutrients and building cellular membranes. So both types of Cholesterol actually are "good" at correct levels.

To keep the types of Cholesterol in the correct proportions for optimum health, you should void animal protein, all sugar, and complex carbohydrate foods whenever you can. Take chromium, vanadium, Omega-3 from hemp seed, Omega-5 from pomegranate seed, amino acids such as glutathione, taurine, cysteine, carnitine. Eat alkaline, high chlorophyll fruits and vegetables with a high content of water and fiber. Never take injected growth hormone!

8. Bone Density decreases - Osteoporosis ("lost of bone minerals") increasingly becomes a problem after age 50 in both men and women.

Remedy: Eliminate all acidic foods and drinks which causes the release of calcium ions from the bones. Take supplemental vitamin D, sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, lysine, and boron. Take mineral salts like pHour salts and pHlavor salts.

9. Paradoxically, as Calcium (and other minerals) decrease in bone, as we age Calcium actually increases in the blood, contributing to arthritis, and lack of flexibility in veins and arteries, in fact of the entire circulatory system.

Remedy: Eliminate all acidic foods and drinks as outlined in the pH Miracle for Weight Loss, including all proteins, sugars, complex carbohydrates, non-alkaline water. Start eating a diet rich in chlorophyll, alkaline water, mineral salts like pHour salts and pHlavor salts and liberal amounts of long chain fats from olive, hemp, flax and pomegranate.

10. Organs Shrink in size. The liver and brain and other vital organs shrink and become less effective because of dietary and metabolic acid. We lose up to 20% of the neurons in our brain, especially after age 45. Our liver also shrinks in size because of dietary and metabolic acid.

Remedy: Drink 3 to 4 liters or quarts of electron rich alkaline water with 1 to 2 scoops of pHruits and pHloage to help dilate the capillaries. This will help feed the brain and other organs with oxygen and nutrients, to prevent loss. Take glutathione, which will increase the circulatory system, thus getting nutrients and oxygen and water to all organs, thus preventing their loss.

11. Reduced Brain function. This loss of brain function may be due to the loss of the neurons in the brain, due to reduced oxygen, or the increase in acid on our brain; from bad circulation, or from red blood cell deficiency, or, most probably, due to a combination of these factors. Improving any or all of them will decrease the loss of neurons.

Remedy: Nebulize 10 ml of glutathione 3 times a day. Glutathione will help to clean up lipofuscin, which contributes to the loss of brain cells. Hydration with green drinks will help to clean up the circulatory system. Lower cholesterol and triglicerides will help blood to flow better. Vaso-dilators such as sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium bicarbonate with 3 to 4 liters of green drinks per day will help get food, oxygen, and water to your brain cells. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy will super-saturate blood with oxygen, which could help repair or save brain cells. Take supplements with glutathoine, cysteine, taurine, magnesium, zinc, choline, vitamins B-5, B-6, B-12, folic acid, calcium, and especially CLA from pomegranate seeds. Nebulize glutathione, cysteine, and taurine which will help to increase your circulatory system to the brain, which will help to keep your brain cells healthy.

12. "Deep Sleep" deteriorates. Deterioration in Deep Sleep patterns begins as early as young adulthood (ages 16 to 25) and increases in mid-life (35-50). Although the total amount of sleep remains constant as young adults move into mid-life, the proportion of "slow wave" or "deep sleep" decreases from nearly 20% of a normal night's sleep for those under 25, to less than five percent for those over 35. Growth Hormone secretion, which only occurs during deep sleep, also declines by as much as 75% in later life.

Remedy: Nebulize glutathione, which helps to increase deep sleep. Drink 3 to 4 liters or quarts of electron rich alkaline water with 1 to 2 scoops of pHruits and pHloage.

13. Degradation of nerve response and reactivity. The Vagus nerve (also called pneumogastric nerve or cranial nerve X), which runs from the base of the brain to the down below the head, to the neck, chest and abdomen, and deteriorates from acidic exposure to dietary and metabolic acids. The Vagus X nerve is the main neural component of the parasympathetic, autonomous, nervous system, which controls body functions not under our "conscious" control, such as Heart Rate. As we age, our "Resting Heart Rate" increases even in "fit" individuals.

Remedy: The acid sugar causes the most damage to the circulatory system. Learn which foods increase your blood glucose levels, and avoid those foods (potatoes, bread, sweets, fruits, rice, pasta, pizza, cookies, and cakes). Eliminate all animal proteins that will decrease uric, nitric, sulphuric and phosphoric acid.

14. Antioxidants decrease - Certain antioxidants decrease with age, such as super-oxidase dimutase. These antioxidants are important for buffering dietary acids, and as our first natural defense against fermentation or tissue degeneration from dietary and metabolic acids.

Remedy: Eat raw electron rich green fruits and vegetables, if necessary take natural mineral salt supplements, like pHour salts which contains sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium bicarbonate. Take orally glutathione, which will help decrease the harmful dietary and metabolic acids that increase with age.

15. Lung Efficiency (ability of the lungs to take in oxygen) decreases.

Remedy: Do low impact aerobic exercises such as rebounding, walking, jogging, and whole body vibration. Clear the bowels of any undigested animal and dairy products. Drink 1 tablespoon of liquid chlorophyll every hour to help build the blood.

16. The amount of water in body tissues decreases... resulting in dry skin and increased wrinkles.

Remedy: Drink 3 to 4 liters or quarts of structured electron rich alkaline water with 1 to 2 scoops of concentrated pHruits and pHolage each day. This will help provide the naturally occurring antioxidants to prevent wrinkles and the electron rich hydration to prevent dry skin.

17. Body Fat Content - as a percentage of total body weight, fat increases from 25% to more than 40% as we age.

Remedy: Eat less sugar and protein in your diet which causes the body to retain fat to buffer the excess acids. Eliminate undigested proteins in the 9 yards of the intestines with oral alimentary canal cleaners, enemas and colonic irrigation. Take 2 to 3 teaspoons of magnesium oxide to break-up undigested animal proteins, sticky acids from complex carbohydrates and acid bound mucous.

18. Loss of Hair - Volume and Color.

Remedy: Wash and condition your hair with Young pHorever Shampoo and Conditioner which will increase the circulatory system reaching the roots of the hairs, thus taking water, oxygen, and nutrients to the roots of your hair. This will avoid or postpone the loss of hair.

19. Blood pressure increases.

Remedy: Eat less animal protein, eat less foods with a high carbohydrate content (potatoes, rice, pasta, sweets, bread) and eat more foods with a high chlorophyll content. Avoid processed salt and eat mineral salts like pHlavor, take supplementary chromium, vanadium. magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Do whole body exercises.

20. The Thymus Gland (located just under the mid-line of the collar bone) functions in aiding the immune system, and atrophies (shrinks) with age, largely due to increases in dietary and metabolic acids.

Remedy: Take supplements of Glutathione, CLA from pomogranatel, Vitamins A, and E. Drink 3 to 4 liters or quarts of electron rich alkaline water with 1 to 2 scoops of pHruits and pHloage to help reverse the atrophy of the thymus gland.

21. Lipofuscin builds up in the brain and dulls memory. Note: Lipofuscin is the name given to finely granular yellow brown pigment granules composed of lipid-containing residues of lysosomal digestion. It is considered one of the aging or "wear and tear" pigments; found in the liver, kidney, heart muscle, adrenals, nerve and ganglion cells. "Liver spots" commonly associated with aging are superficial dermal lipofuscin deposits.

Remedy: Drink 3 to 4 liters or quarts of electron rich alkaline water with 1 to 2 scoops of pHruits and pHloage.to help remove lipofuscin from the brain, or reduce the rate of accumulation, with a doctor's supervision. Take glutathione, which will increase the size and vigor of the circulatory system, thus helping to keep the garbage moving out.

22. Kidney efficiency decreases. Our kidneys filter and purifying the blood from dietary and metabolic acids. The kidneys also play a role in regulating blood pressure; monitoring the amount of oxygen in the blood, acting as our body's heat regulator, and producing EPO (Erythropoyetin) to control red blood cell production. As we age, kidney function decreases; red blood cell numbers decrease, and the blood can carry less oxygen.

Remedy: If the red blood cell count is lower than normal, the hematocrit (red blood cell count) can be raised by increasing the dietary intake of chlorophyll foods and drinks. Eliminate all meat in your diet. Drink 1 quart or 1 liter of alkaline green drink per day. Take 1 teaspoon of glutathione 3 times a day.

23. The circulatory system deteriorates. Babies and young people possess a "dew of youth" in their skin, a result of the of youthful cholesterol content of young skin. By the time we reach middle age, we begin to see cholesterol bound acid, arties and tissues begin to clog up with calcium bound acid, and veins and arteries that have lost flexibility. This causes blood to circulate more slowly, and so less oxygen gets to all parts of the body, including the skin and brain. Dietary and metabolic acid are the root cause of loss of skin tone, skin glow, elasticity, deteriorated brain cells, and organ and gland atrophy.

Remedy: Avoid as much sugar and carbohydrates and protein in your diet, as possible. Glutathione, cysteine, and taurine will help prevent free radical damage, which causes some of the problem. Omega-3, 5, 6 and 9 oil will help lower acidity, increasing the level of healthy red blood cells that will help repair the walls of the circulatory system, and bowel detoxification, oral alkaline chelation will might help to cleanse out micro-calcifications and some metals, thus improving circulation. Take glutathione which is proven to increase the length and breadth of the circulatory system. Drink 3 to 4 liters or quarts of electron rich alkaline water with 1 to 2 scoops of pHruits and pHloage to help build red blood cells and to dilate the circulatory system, thus helping to increase the flow of blood to all parts of the body. Take chlorophyll and eat green fruits and vegetables to increase blood volume, the percentage of blood that is red blood cells, and hemoglobin which
carries oxygen.

24. The Body becomes less sensitive to insulin (Insulin insensitivity).

Remedy: Avoid all sugars (substitute natural sugars like honey or stevia) and complex carbohydrates in your diet, increase healthy fats in your diet from avocado, olive, hemp, pumpkin, sesame, etc., and eliminate all protein in your diet. If you are overweight, try to lose weight through the pH Miracle alkaline diet and low impact and static attraction exercise. Do exercises to increase muscle mass and eliminate acids, which will help to lower high insulin levels. As you eliminate acidity and clear the bowels of undigested protein and carbohydrate, this will reverse your sensitivity to insulin. Take supplements with chromium and vanadium, which will help insulin to work better. Take supplemental sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, long chain fats, arginine, carnitine, and especially veggie based glutathione. Buy a meter to measure glucose levels after every meal, and adjust your diet to keep glucose between 70 and 105, (preferably 80 to 95.) As you begin to a lkalize your body you will need less insulin (up to 75% in the first 72 hours).

25. Certain acidic hormones such as Cortisol increase with age. Cortisol is produced by the Adrenal Cortex in response to stress. Cortisol is catabolic (destroys or ferments muscle tissue). Cortisol is also known as "the Death hormone", under the theory that the human body will spontaneously end its own life at a certain age.

Remedy: Avoid anger and stress, and very strenuous exercise which will make the body produce cortisol. Take 1 teaspoon of glutathione 3 times a day, which helps you to remain optimistic and to resist stress. Drink 3 to 4 liters or quarts of electron rich alkaline water with 1 to 2 scoops of pHruits and pHloage.

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