Friday, October 3, 2008

It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Should You Think Before You Pink?

By Anne Krueger

Even though my favorite color is green, I’ve picked up a lot of pink products over the years—dozens of pink-lidded cartons of yogurt, a pink chopping knife, pink breath mints, pink lipstick, and even a pair of pink boxing gloves, all in the name of breast cancer research. I’ve always felt satisfaction snapping up pink-ribbon products, believing that I was helping to raise a significant amount of money to help prevent or cure a disease that will strike 250,000 women this year alone.

But these days I don’t have a lot of money to give to charity (hello, recession) or spend on things I don’t need, so when I do buy a “breast cancer product,” I want to make sure that a good chunk of my purchase is going to the actual cause and not to some foundation’s overpaid president, or to a manufacturer more interested in cashing in on a disease than actually funding its cure.
So I did a little research. To learn how to pick the pink products with the most impact (and figure out which organizations to support), please read this week’s post in’s Breast Cancer Journey.

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