Sunday, February 8, 2009

The FDA Announces The Recall of Peanut Containing Products

You have probably heard about the FDA recall on peanut products. I have listed peanuts and peanut containing foods as highly acidic. Peanuts and peanut oil are one of my top ten foods to never eat. The oils in peanuts go rancid very quickly which gives rise to biological transformation or the birth of bacteria, yeast and mold. The good news is the FDA is warning people not to eat peanuts or foods that contain peanuts or peanut oil. My advise is to NEVER eat peanuts or any food that contains peanuts or peanut oil if you are trying to maintain the alkaline design of your body for health, energy, vitality and fitness.

The following link takes you to the FDA's announcement and a list of peanut containing foods to avoid.

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Conquering Diabetes Using Natural Methods

Conquering Diabetes Using Natural Methods

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