Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Coffee May Protect Liver from cancer

Java jolt could be fighting more than the daily blahs

Coffee drinkers had less liver cancer than others, a study in Japan found. The reason is unclear.

By Randolph E. Schmid - Associated Press

WASHINGTON - That cup of coffee may do more than provide a tasty energy boost. It also may help prevent the most common type of liver cancer.

A study of more than 90,000 Japanese found that people who drank coffee daily or nearly every day had half the risk of liver cancer as those who never drank coffee.

The American Cancer Society estimates that 18,920 cases of liver cancer were diagnosed in the United States last year and that 14,270 people died of the illness. Causes include hepatitis, cirrhosis, excess alcohol consumption, and diseases causing chronic inflammation of the liver.

Animal studies have suggested a protective association of coffee with liver cancer, so the research team led by Monami Inoue of the National Cancer Center in Tokyo analyzed a 10-year public-health study to determine coffee use by people diagnosed with liver cancer and people who did not have cancer. Read more...

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