Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Common Mistakes on the pH Miracle Diet

The pH miracle diet is an exciting new way for people to take control of their health. By lowering your dependence on acid producing foods and raising your intake of alkali foods you can attain optimum health. The pH scale is from 1 to 14 , 1 being very acidic and 14 being very alkaline. The blood in the human bloodstream tends to run slightly alkaline at 7.35. All foods, beverages and in fact everything we put into our bodies will breakdown into acid or alkali. The body will store and eliminate excess amounts of these things respectively.

An excess amount of acid stored in the body will cause the blood to cluster in the bloodstream, causing fatigue and trauma to the body on the cellular level. When there is so much shutdown going on in the body, the immune system will be lowered allowing disease and illness to enter. By keeping the balance of the pH level in the body at 7.35 you can ensure good health. Continue Reading >>

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Conquering Diabetes Using Natural Methods

Conquering Diabetes Using Natural Methods

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THE PURPOSE of this e-book is to help you understand what causes Type II Diabetes (lifestyle induced) and how to restore balance to achieve ultimate or renewed health. Your body can heal itself without drugs and their painful or deadly side effects. You can live a long and healthy life. Read on and learn what simple and powerful decisions you can begin to make right now to restore your health and vitality, and conquer diabetes! - E-Book Version.(CD)

Balancing Your Hormones Without Drugs... You Can Feel Good Again

Balancing Your Hormones Without Drugs... You Can Feel Good Again

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Hormone imbalance can be reversed! Look and feel better than ever, just take the time to learn about yourself and read the information contained in this just released e-book about reversing hormone imbalance. Are you ready to finally look and feel great? If so... read on... - E-Book Version.(BH)