Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Information on ALKALINE and ACIDIC FOODS and the HIGH pH DIET

01. How to Do the Saliva pH Test...A simple test you can do to measure your susceptibility to cancer and other diseases.
02. Understanding Saliva and Urine pH Results...PDF Document requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Download it HERE.The pH Test: pages 46-49 of the document provide an extensive discussion of pH, when to test saliva and urine pH, and how to understand the results
03. Alkaline and Acidic Food Chart...Alkalize your body's pH through the foods you eat
04. Alkalize for Health: Cancer and pH...Excellent Information on the Chemistry of pH Therapy and Cancer
05. High pH Therapy for Cancer Test (Printable Version)...Transcripts of The High pH Therapy for Cancer Tests on Mice and Humans by A. Keith Brewer
06. Potassium-Rich Foods...Those using Cesium also need to supplement with Potassium
07. The pH Problem...The Difference Between Body pH, Urine pH, and Saliva pH
08. Understanding pH...An interesting article explaining the pH scale and environmental factors
09. How We Become Acidic...PDF Document requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Download it HERE.The Cause of Degenerative Diseases: beginning on page 29 of the document is an extensive discussion of latent acidosis and it's connection to chronic degenerative diseases
10. Various High pH Articles...Collection of high pH information from various sources
11. High pH Books at Amazon.com...Books on High pH Therapy and Other Cancer Therapies
12. Essense-of-Life Cesium Page...Essense-of-Life Cancer Page...Information on the use of Cesium in the High pH Therapy for Cancer

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