Saturday, March 29, 2008

Soy Isoflavones May Cut the Risk of Prostate Cancer by 60%

A new case-control study recruited 200 Japanese men with prostate cancer ranging from stage 1
(1 man) to stage 4 (24 men). Their dietary intake of soy was evaluated and compared to that of cancer-free men. Intake of the Soy Isoflavones Genistein and Daidzein was significantly associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer.

When comparing the highest average isoflavone intake of 90mg or greater to the lowest of 30.5mg or less, having 90mg or greater of Soy Isoflavones daily was associated with a 58% decreased risk of developing prostate cancer. The study is published in the August 2007 issue of the Journal of Nutrition.
J. Hickey, RPh







Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Acidic Pesticides and Insecticides May Cause Motor Neuron Dis-Ease Like ALS

Motor neuron dis-ease is a rare, acidic and devastating illness in which nerve cells that carry brain signals to muscles gradually deteriorate. One form of it, Lou Gehrig's dis-ease or ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), is familiar to the public in the lives of scientist Stephen Hawking and Morrie Schwartz, about whom Mitch Albom's "Tuesdays with Morrie"
was written.

For most MND patients, the cause is unknown by current medical savants but Dr. Robert O. Young, of the pH Miracle Living Research Center, suggest, "MND is the result of damage to the nerve cells due to dietary and metabolic acids that are not being properly eliminated through urination, respiration, perspiration and defecation."

Figuring out why these people develop this acidic dis-ease, which causes muscles to weaken, atrophy and cease to function, is an important step in developing therapies to treat or prevent motor neuron disease.

Dr. Young states, "muscle weakness and atrophy of the muscles is the result of latent tissue acidosis and a deficiency of the lymphatic system to remove dietary and metabolic acids from the tissues. The sluggish or congested lymphatic system is the result of a lack of movement via exercise and the proper alkaline lifestyle and diet."

A team of University of Michigan scientists suggest they are a step closer:

1) They have discovered transformations in one key gene (neuropathy target esterase, or NTE) that cause a previously unknown type of inherited motor neuron disease. Dr. Young suggests, "this transformation or mutation is caused by dietary and/or metabolic acid."

2) The discovery paves the way for better diagnosis and research on treatments. Dr. Young suggests, "the treatment is here it is called prevention with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. As the systems progress with muscle soreness, inflammation, and weakness this is the time to hyper- saturate the tissues with alkaline compounds such as sodium and potassium bicarbonate."

3) Most intriguing, current medical scientists found the transformations or mutations caused changes in a protein already known to be involved when people develop neurologic disorders as a result of exposure to toxic acidic organophosphates -- acid chemicals commonly used in solvents and insecticides and also as "nerve gas" agents. This discovery points to a new lead in the search to understand MND. Dr. Young states, organophosphates are strong acids that destroy body cells, including nerve cells causing them to go through a biological transformation or mutation."

"We speculate there may be gene-environment interactions that cause some forms of motor neuron disease," says John K. Fink, M.D., professor of neurology at the U-M Medical School and senior author of the new study, which appears in the March issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics. He also is a researcher at the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System.

"Our findings support the possibility that toxic organophosphates contribute to motor neuron disease in genetically vulnerable people," says Fink. He believes the results suggest that altered activity of the gene found in patients in the study may also contribute to other motor neuron disorders, possibly including ALS.

Motor neuron disease affects five per 100,000 people and according to Dr. Young are the results of dietary and metabolic acids.

To protect your body from the acidic effects of pesticides and insecticides it is important to only eat organically grown fruits and vegetables.
It is also very important to wash your vegetables in ionized alkaline water to clean off the acids of pesticide and insecticide residues.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Proanthocyanadins Protect the Heart From Dietary and Metabolic Acids

An alkalizing antioxidant polyphenols-rich or proanthocyandin diet keeps the heart younger.

This finding comes out from a study by the University of Grenoble in collaboration with the other Centres participating to the FLORA Project, a European Commission funded research studying the effects of flavonoids, a variety of polyphenols, on human health.

The scientific work, published in the Journal of Nutrition, is one of the few approaching this field by in vivo studies. "So far- says Marie-Claire Toufektsian, leading author of the study - the biological and protective activities of various flavonoids have been extensively studied in vitro, on cell- based assays. Nevertheless, this kind of approach has a major limitation: it is extremely difficult to assess precisely the nature of all flavonoids absorbed following consumption of fruits and vegetable plants present in a given meal. In other words, laboratory cultured cells alone are not sufficient to study a complex mechanism such as that of absorption of food flavonoids". That is why we need to turn attention on other features.
The most obvious solution appeared to be to study the effects of this kind of alkalizing polyphenols on experimental animals. The turning point started from fruit and vegetable plants: those rich in flavonoids made the case of researchers.

Toufektsian used two kinds of corn: one anthocyanin-free (anthocyanins is a variety of flavonoids) and the other, obtained by the Department of Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology of University of Milan through traditional cultivation techniques with no transgenic modifications, rich in anthocyanins.
"The corn seeds were introduced into a rodent food formula in order to obtain two groups of rats following two different kinds of diet for a couple of months" says Chiara Tonelli, head of the Milan group. In the meantime researchers accurately measured the anthocyanins levels in urine and plasma samples from the two groups of rats by using a method developed by the Research Laboratories at the Catholic University of Campobasso. Then researchers studied the onset and evolution of myocardial infarction induced experimentally in both groups.

"We found -- Toufektsian adds -- that chronic consumption and effective absorption of anthocyanins rendered the rats more resistant to myocardial infarction; in other words, the size of the infarct was significantly reduced in rats fed the anthocyanin-rich diet".

The quantity of absorbed anthocyanins is important too. Maria Benedetta Donati, scientific coordinator of the Research Laboratories of Campobasso, argues that "the rats fed the anthocyanin- rich diet received about 13-fold more anthocyanins than most people following a standard Western-type diet, where the daily consumption of flavonoids is relatively low and the average intake of anthocyanins is estimated to be only 12 mg per day".

The Authors turned their attention on an alkaline diet stressing the crucial difference between this kind of diet and the so called Western Diet, that is rich in fats and poor in fibres. "The anthocyanins content of the traditional Mediterranean diet is much higher than that of the Western Diet, which might explain why the Mediterranean diet is cardioprotective" says Michel de Lorgeril, cardiologist, head of the Grenoble group.

Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist from the pH Miracle Living Center, states, "the best source of the acid buffering-alkalizing proanthocyanadins is from green fruits and veggies. Eating 9 to 12 servings of green fruits and veggies every day will help to provide the protective proanthocyanadins needed to buffer the dietary and metabolic acids that can lead to heart dis-ease and cancerous conditions."

You can simply obtain these beneficial antioxidant proanthocyandins by ingesting a concentration of whole food fruits and vegetables in Dr. Young's latest and greatest product called, pHurits and pHolage.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Seven Strategies For A Healthy Heart

People who invest in luxury cars or high-priced SUVs tend to take care of them, paying particular attention to filling up with high-quality gasoline. The very same people, however, can often be seen cruising along in their spiffy wheels while eating a cheap high-fat, high-calorie, heart-attack-in-a-paper bag hamburger.

If they would be as careful with what they cram into their priceless and irreplaceable bodies as what they put in a car they're only going to keep for two years, their hearts would probably last longer. And - some doctors believe - better "fuel" could even keep their hearts beating longer without eventually having to resort to expensive heart medications that often have unwanted acidic side effects.

A wealth of research shows, in fact, that simple alkaline lifestyle changes can have enormous benefits, as in the case of an overweight man with high cholesterol and blood pressure treated at New York University's Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular disease. He was put on a healthy alkaline diet with portion controls, and given an exercise plan. Within six months, his blood pressure and cholesterol returned to normal, he lost eleven pounds, and he decided to stay with the plan permanently because he felt so much better, not to mention the fact that he cut his risk for a acidic heart attack drastically.

What can you do to help your heart without using medications? Here are seven important strategies.
Chances are you are following some of these guidelines already, but you may want to give them a close look because new research has provided several really new ideas that go beyond the usual list of "do's and don't's":

1) Feed your heart the alkaline food it needs.
This means more than just eating less fat - a two-year study showed that a heart-healthy diet should be high in alkaline fruits and veggies, seeds and nuts, fatty fish, and healthy fats.
Further, you should eat more fiber, which besides helping to keep things "moving along" in your digestive or alkaline buffering system may also help to lower cholesterol as the fiber binds up dietary acids. The goal of the alkaline diet is to reduce acids that cause artery-damaging inflammation.
Things to avoid are the usual: trans fats found in margarine, fast food, and many packaged foods.
Also, cut back on all sugary foods and fruits, and drink only alkaline water with a pH of 9.5 and an ORP of -150 mV.

2) Sweat your way to health and fitness with alkalizing exercises. Exercise at least 1 hour daily with a brisk walk or jog for 60 minutes five days a week. Try to include strength training several days a week, either using weights or resistance mechanisms. A new highly recommended exercise is ballroom dancing, which is good for your mind as well as your body. Think it's for sissies? The next time you watch "Dancing With the Stars," take a close look at the contestants' chests heaving up and down when they come off the floor.
(It can be really vigorous - remember Marie Osmond's fainting spell.:) Daily whole body vibrational exercise for working every cell in the entire body in ten minutes and is equal to 90 minutes of other aerobic types of exercise.

3) Lose your spare tire. Excess belly fat raises blood pressure, strains the heart, and -new research shows - actually produces acids that can cause inflammation of the arteries. Do whatever you have to do to cut back on eating, keeping in mind the heart-healthy tips given above. Don't skip an alkaline breakfast, eat slowly, stay away from acidic fried foods, and start meals with a salad (with a low-fat, no trans fat avocado oil with lemon). An old phrase is coming back into vogue: "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and supper like a pauper."

4) Quit tobacco. Get professional help with this one if necessary. This is a lifestyle change that can help big time. (But you know that.

5) Quit alcohol. It is acidic and tenderizes the heart making it weak and sluggish.

6) Chill out. It turns out that anger and stress can trigger acidic hormones that can injure your heart. Both can raise blood pressure and make blood prone to clotting. Do what it takes to calm your anger and throw oil on the waters of stress. Religious and civic activities can help, as can meditation, yoga and - you guessed it - ballroom dancing. Always keep in the back of your mind the ancient Eastern saying, "There are a million ways to get from birth to death, and they all work."

7) Eat lots of mineral sea salts. Without salt your heart would stop beating. Salt provides the matrix for which energy is transported. Mineral sea salts provide the alkalinity necessary for a healthy heart. So eat at least 8 grams a day or spray yourself with pHlavor mineral sea salt
6 to 9 times a day.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The pH Miracle for Breast Cancer

Women with cancerous breats have more aggressive dis-ease and lower survival rates if they are overweight or obese, according to findings published in the March 15 issue of Clinical Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

"The more obese a patient is, the more aggressive the disease," said Massimo Cristofanilli, MD, associate professor of medicine in the Department of Breast Medical Oncology at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. "We are learning that the fat tissue may increase inflammation that leads to more aggressive disease."

Cristofanilli and colleagues observed 606 women with locally advanced breast cancer. These women were classified by body mass index into the following three groups: normal/underweight
(24.9 or below), overweight (at least 25 but less than 30) or obese (more than 30). Body mass index is calculated by dividing a person's weight by their height.

At five years, overall survival was 56.8 percent among obese women, 56.3 percent among overweight women and 67.4 percent among normal weight women.
The 10-year survival rate was 42.7 percent among obese women, 41.8 percent among overweight women and 56.5 percent among normal weight women.

The rate of inflammatory or stage 4 acidosis in cancerous breasts, previously shown to have worse outcomes than non-inflammatory breast cancer, among obese women was 45 percent compared with 30 percent in overweight women and only 15 percent in women considered normal weight, researchers found.

Risk of cancerous or acidic breasts recurrence was also higher in obese or overweight women. By five years, 50.8 percent of obese women reported a recurrence compared with 38.5 percent of normal weight women. By 10 years, the rate of recurrence was 58 percent among obese women and 45.4 percent among normal weight women.

"Obesity goes far beyond just how a person looks or any physical strain from carrying around extra weight. Particular attention should be paid to our overweight patients," Cristofanilli said.

Cristofanilli said physicians need to pay close attention to breast cancer patients because commonly used drugs, such as tamoxifen, tend to increase weight gain during treatment.

"We have actually become quite good at managing acute side effects such as nausea in our chemotherapy patients and it goes away within a couple of days," Cristofanilli said.

"Following the nausea, our patients tend to overeat, which further increases their risk of weight gain. We need to implement lifestyle modifications interventions and develop better methods to follow these patients closely."

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, states, "cancerous breasts are the the result of dietary and metabolic acids being stored in the fatty breast tissues. The bigger the breasts the greater the risk for cancerous breasts. The key is to eliminate dietary and metabolic acids through urination, perspiration, respiration and defecation and not store them in the fatty breast tissue. The key then to preventing acidic cancerous breasts is to alkalize and exercise. If you want to prevent or reverse a cancerous condition in the body you need to sweat and pee your way to health. Cancer is a four letter word - ACID, and the body will generally park this acid in the fatty tissue, i.e., the breast tissue! By buffering and eliminating dietary and metabolic acids through one of the four channels of elimination by alkalizing and exercising you can either prevent or reverse a cancerous condition."

Monday, March 17, 2008

Reduce Your Risk For Breast, Prostate, Lung, Stomach and Colon Cancer By 50%

Crucifers May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk Up to 50%

When your mother told you to eat your vegetables it appears that maternal wisdom had a scientific basis.

Researchers with Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center and the Shanghai Cancer Institute in China have discovered a possible link between a diet rich in certain vegetables and a decreased risk for breast cancer. The study appears in the March issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Corresponding author Jay Fowke, Ph.D., assistant professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt-Ingram, said
3,035 women diagnosed with breast cancer were identified through the Shanghai Cancer Registry.
They were closely matched with 3,037 women randomly chosen from the general population there. The women filled out questionnaires about their diet, including consumption of cruciferous vegetables like Chinese cabbage, bok choi and turnips. Americans typically eat more broccoli, kale and cauliflower in the cruciferous vegetable family.

"Cruciferous vegetables contain some compounds that may have a cancer-inhibitory effect," explained Fowke.
"Here we were able to identify a group of women who seem to particularly benefit from a high intake of these vegetables."

While there was only a small positive relationship between a diet high in these vegetables and a reduction in breast cancer risk for the overall study population, there was a striking risk reduction -- 50 percent -- among women with a certain genetic profile. Researchers identified three forms of the GSTP1 genotype among the cancer patients:
Ille/Ile, Ile/Val and Val/Val.

"Women who consumed more of these cruciferous vegetables and who also had the Val/Val genetic polymorphism had a lower breast cancer risk. So we cautiously interpreted this as diet being a factor that may reduce the impact of genetic susceptibility in overall breast cancer risk,"
said Fowke.

The Vanderbilt-Ingram researchers focused on cruciferous vegetables because they contain two chemicals called isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol which may affect carcinogenesis by triggering cell transformation or by shifting the acidic estrogen metabolism. Studies by other researchers have suggested cruciferous vegetables may reduce the risk of lung, stomach, colorectal and bladder cancer.

"The Shanghai Breast Cancer Study is one of the largest and most comprehensive epidemiological studies conducted to date for this common cancer,"
according to principal investigator Wei Zheng.
"We have published over 100 research papers in this study addressing a large range of significant issues related to the etiology and survival of breast cancer. The results reported by Dr. Fowke may have significant implications in breast cancer prevention."

Dr. Robert O. Young, of the pH Miracle Living Center states, "breast cancer is the result of metabolic and dietary acids being deposited in the fatty tissues of the breast in order to maintain the alkaline pH of the blood. When you increase your cruciferous vegetable intake you then reduce the risk of acids being thrown-off into the breast tissue and thus prevent breast cancer."

Friday, March 14, 2008

Prevent Aging With Broccoli

Eat your broccoli and broccoli sprouts!

That's the advice from UCLA researchers who have found that a chemical in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables may hold a key to restoring the body's alklaine design, which declines as we age.

Published in this week's online edition of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, the study findings show that sulforaphane, a chemical in broccoli, switches on a set of antioxidant/antiacid genes and alkaline buffers in specific immune cells, which then combat the injurious effects of molecules known as dietary and metabolic acids that can damage cells and lead to dis-ease.

Acids from diet and metabolism are byproducts of normal body processes, such as the metabolic conversion of food into electrical energy, and can also enter the body through small particles present in polluted air. Oxidative or acid damage to body tissues and organs is the cause of aging and dis-ease.

"The mysteries of aging have always intrigued man,"
said Dr. Andre Nel, the study's principal investigator and chief of nanomedicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

According to the UCLA study, the ability of aged tissues to reinvigorate their antioxidant/antiacid defense can play an important role in reversing much of the negative impact of dietary and metabolic acids on the immune system. However, until this current study, the extent to which antioxidant defense can impact the aging process in the alklaine buffering system was not properly understood.

The UCLA team not only found that the direct administration of sulforaphane in broccoli reversed the decline in cellular immune function in old mice, but they witnessed similar results when they took individual immune cells from old mice, treated those cells with the chemical outside the body and then placed the treated cells back into a recipient animal.

"We found that treating older mice with sulforaphane increased the immune response to the level of younger mice," said Hyon-Jeen Kim, first author and research scientist at the Geffen School.

To investigate how the chemical in broccoli increased the immune or alkaline buffering system's response, the UCLA group confirmed that sulforaphane interacts with a protein called Nrf2, which serves as a master regulator of the body's overall antioxidant/antiacid response and is capable of switching on hundreds of antioxidant/antiacid compounds and rejuvenating genes and the alkaline buffering system.

Kim said that although there is a decline in Nrf2 activity with aging, this pathway remains accessible to chemicals like sulforaphane that are capable of restoring some of the ravages of aging by boosting antioxidant/antiacid pathways.

"Dietary antioxidants have been shown to have important effects on immune function, and with further study, we may be adding broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables to that list,"
Nel said.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, states, "the alkaline chemical of sulforaphane from broccoli is one of the most powerful buffers of dietary and metabolic acids in preventing aging, wrinkles, enervation, inflammation, induration, ulcerations, and degeneration of the animal or human organism."

This is why Dr. Young created a 28 to 1 concentration or organic broccoli sprouts in his lastest whole food creation called, "pHruits and pHolage,"

Monday, March 10, 2008

Healthy Alkaline Bowel = Healthy Alkaline Body

The basic natural concepts of health have been lost.

Millions of people die every year and tens of millions suffer needlessly because they fail to follow the natural laws of their beings and are being treated with obsolete and unnatural methods that avoid the true cause of all sickness and dis-ease.

Though the causes of dis-ease are generally ignored by conventional medicine, we do have a history of doctors who agree that the primary causes are always associated with acidic e-motions, toxicity, congestion, and malnutrition. These conditions gradually alter and weaken our internal environment. Once that environment reaches certain acidic polluted levels, dis-ease cycles are initiated.

"Acidosis and Toxicosis are the primary causes of all disease. Rid the body of these poisons and correct the habits of living, and good health will be regained and maintained" and, "just as maggots and flies require the filth of the manure pile in which they grow and propagate, so the human organism must become broken down and filthy through bad habits of living before the tissues and juices of the body will permit the harboring and growth of any noxious bacteria."

"However, in view of the scientific researches which have been cast aside by medicine it is just as reasonable to assume that the maggots and flies found in a manure pile caused the manure pile as it is to assume that the various kinds of germs found in a thoroughly filthy body, caused the condition of ill health." P.L. Clark, BS, MD, Ph.Sa

The survival of every animal, bird, fish, plant, and cell, whether it is bacteria, yeast, or protozoa, depends entirely upon its environment.

Dis-ease is never acquired; it is always created.
Dis-ease is a natural result obtained from an unnatural lifestyle. Dis-ease is not a question of exposure. It is an internal development that can lead to exposure susceptibility. The entry of an outside entity (bacteria, yeast, parasite) has little effect upon our bodies unless our internal environment has become acidic, polluted, and congested.

An increase in microforms or germs can only be successful when our bodies have degenerated into a severely acidic and polluted environment and our immune system compromised. Indeed, an acidic environment can only cause the breakdown of the human cell and tissue in an acidic host, and germs are the product of the breakdown of that cell and tissue. The breakdown of the human cell and the birth of the germ does not happen in a clean, healthy, and vibrant human body. We must alter our normal healthy internal chemistry before acids can weaken our organs and glands with toxicity, congestion, or poor nutrition and before our body parts can malfunction.

The most important point to understand here is that germs do not cause dis-ease they are the product of cellular transformation. It is acid that breaks down the human cell not bacteria. It is acid that causes dis-ease not bacteria or yeast.

There is only one sickness, one dis-ease and one cause - the over-acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking. There is NO OTHER CAUSE FOR DISEASE but ACIDITY.

A Great Secret of Health

The intestinal tract or better said the alkaline buffering system is the hub of our entire body - all organs, glands, even our brains, heart, and cells are totally dependent upon a good functioning alkaline buffering or digestive system. In the Western World, most people have polluted their bowels with filth unimaginable and weakened their digestive function. When the alkaline buffering or digestion is off, even good food can become acidic. As long as this filth remains within, our bodies grow weaker and we become more and more prone towards deficiencies and acidic dis-ease.

A few great doctors have realized this:

"In the 50 years I've spent helping people to overcome illness, disability and disease, it has become crystal clear that poor bowel management lies at the root of most people's health problems."

"Every tissue is fed by the blood, which is supplied by the bowel. When the bowel is dirty, the blood is dirty, and so on to the organs and tissues.... it is the bowel that invariably has to be cared for before any effective healing can take place."

"Of the 300 autopsies performed at National College in Chicago, 285 (patients) had claimed they were not constipated and had normal movements and only 15 had admitted they were constipated.
However, autopsies revealed the opposite to be the case. Some of the histories of these 285 persons stated they had had as many as 5 or 6 bowel movements daily, yet autopsies revealed that in some of them the bowel was 12 inches in diameter. The bowel walls were encrusted with material, in one case peanuts which had been lodged there for a very long time."

"The toxic waste must be removed as quickly as possible to halt the downward spiral of failing health. This is best done by: 1. Removing accumulated fecal material from the bowel....."
Doctor Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, Ph.D.

Dr. Jensen publicly stated that over 90% of dis-ease in America could be traced to unhealthy conditions in the bowel. Privately, he told me that it's closer to 100%.

"There is but one dis-ease and that is deficient drainage of dietary and metabolic acids."
Dr. Robert O. Young

"I am exceedingly impressed by the sequence of cancer and intestinal stasis."

"The poisons thus generated (in the bowel) pollute the bloodstream, causing every tissue, gland, and organ of the body to gradually deteriorate and be destroyed." Sir Arbuthnot Lane MS, FRCS, surgeon for the King of England

"Of the 22,000 operations that I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon, and of the 100,000 that were performed under my jurisdiction, not over 6% were normal."

"All of the diseases of civilization are due to improper functioning of the colon."
Dr. Harvey Kellogg, M.D. of the Kellogg Sanitarium

"There is no natural death. All deaths that come from so-called natural causes are merely the end point of progressive acidic saturation.... However, if they would take care of their body and cleanse their colon and intestines, their problems would be pretty much eliminated and they could eliminate their "cross" by proper diet, proper exercise, and in general, proper living." Dr. George C. Crile, head of the Crile Clinic in Cleveland

Dr. V.E. Irons, a pioneer in colon cleansing theory
wrote: "The cause of most conditions of ill health is autointoxication and that 95% of their troubles start in the colon. We can prove that we can find hardened mucous with its foul smelling curd in the colons of 95% of the entire nation."

Mucoid Plaque

Mucoid plaque is automatically secreted in the presence of acids, and other irritants and at first serves as a protection; but for those who have followed the standard American lifestyle, which is acid producing, it is common for mucoid plaque to form a continuous coating, arranged in layers, over the small intestine, stomach and the colon.
When the mucus (mucin) is secreted, it coagulates and can compound with other elements, forming an increasingly firm and toxic substance, which may
include: drugs, free radical-producing acidic noxious fecal compounds, heavy metals, parasites and more, depending on what the person eats, drinks, and thinks.

Mucoid plaque often interferes with normal bowel function, nutrient assimilation, and normal elimination. It will also provide a fertile stronghold for a large variety of microorganisms and their noxious acidic compounds. Thus, when the diet is improved and the person strives for maximum health, then mucoid plaque should be removed.

"This layer of mucus, when adhering closely to the mucosal surface, probably functions as a barrier to membrane digestion and most likely also to absorption... where, with increasing age, the mucus layer becomes more pronounced and widespread... it is hypothesized that the mucus barrier interferes with membrane digestion and absorption." J. Rainer Poley, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 1988 May-June; 7 (3): 386-94.

Is it any wonder that the greatest healers in the world have always insisted upon cleansing and rebuilding the alkaline buffering system or the alimentary canal?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Magnesium May Prevent The Formation of GallStones

A diet rich in magnesium appears to reduce the risk developing painful gallstones, according to findings from a US study.

Consumption of magnesium has been declining over the years, due in part to the overprocessing of foods, Dr. Chung-Jyi Tsai and associates note in their report in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.

Magnesium deficiency is known to raise triglyceride levels and decrease HDL ("good") cholesterol levels in the blood, both of which may increase the risk of developing gallstones. Still, the long-term effect of magnesium on the risk of gallstones in humans was not known until now.

To investigate, Tsai, from the University of Kentucky Medical Center in Lexington, and colleagues analyzed data from 42,705 men, between 40 and 75 years of age, who were enrolled in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study.
The men were followed from 1986 to 2002.

The subjects were surveyed every 2 years to assess the occurrence of new illnesses, including gallbladder disease. Magnesium consumption was determined with a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire sent to the participants every 4 years.

During follow-up, 2195 men were diagnosed with gallstone disease, the researchers found.

Compared with the lowest level of total magnesium intake, the highest intake reduced the risk of gallstone disease by 33 percent. The same risk reduction was seen when considering just dietary magnesium, when supplements were excluded.

"From many studies by this group and others, it appears that a generally healthy dietary pattern, with more plant-based foods, fiber, and increasing complex carbohydrates, and now increasing magnesium intake will decrease the risk of symptomatic gallstones," Dr. Cynthia W. Ko, from the University of Washington in Seattle, writes in an accompanying editorial.
"This 'healthy' dietary pattern will also help in prevention of other chronic diseases in addition to gallstones."

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, states, "magnesium is one of four major acid buffers of dietary and metabolic acids. When we increase magnesium in the form of carbonate we decrease the acids that can form gallstones."

Resources: American Journal of Gastroenterology, February 2008 The pH Miracle The pH Miracle for Weight Loss As someone that looks to improve their health we are pleased to offer you this free audio, an excerpt of a powerful two hour interview with Dr Robert O. Young and Anthony Robbins.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Broccoli Sprouts May Protect Against a Cancerous Bladder

A concentration of broccoli sprouts reduced the development of bladder tumors in an animal model by more than half, according to a report in the March 1 issue of Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

This finding reinforces human epidemiologic studies that have suggested that eating cruciferous vegetables like broccoli is associated with reduced risk for bladder cancer, according to the studies senior investigator, Yuesheng Zhang, MD, PhD, professor of oncology at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.
"Although this is an animal study, it provides potent evidence that eating vegetables is beneficial in bladder cancer prevention," he said.

There is strong evidence that the protective action of cruciferous vegetables derives at least in part from isothyiocyanates (ITCs), a group of phytochemicals with well-known cancer preventive activities.

"The bladder is particularly responsive to this group of natural chemicals," Zhang said. "In our experiments, the broccoli sprout ITCs after oral administration were selectively delivered to the bladder tissues through urinary excretion."

Other cruciferous vegetables with ITCs include mature broccoli, cabbage, kale, collard greens and others all contained in Dr. Young's newest whole food product called pHruits and pHolage.

Broccoli sprouts have approximately 30 times more ITCs than mature broccoli, and the sprout extract used by the researchers contains approximately 600 times as much.

Although animals that had the most protection against development of bladder cancer were given high doses of the extract, Zhang said humans at increased risk for this cancer likely do not need to eat huge amounts of broccoli sprouts in order to derive protective benefits.

"Epidemiologic studies have shown that dietary ITCs and cruciferous vegetable intake are inversely associated with bladder cancer risk in humans. It is possible that ITC doses much lower than those given to the rats in this study may be adequate for bladder cancer prevention," he said.

Zhang and his colleagues tested the ability of the concentrate to prevent bladder tumors in five groups of rats. The first group acted as a control, while the second group was given only the broccoli extract to test for safety.
The remaining three groups were given a
chemical,N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine
(BBN) in drinking water, which induces bladder cancer. Two of these groups were given the broccoli extract in diet, beginning two weeks before the carcinogenic chemical was delivered.

In the control group and the group given only the extract, no tumors developed, and there was no toxicity from the extract in the rats.

About 96 percent of animals given only BBN developed an average of almost two tumors each of varying sizes. By comparison, about 74 percent of animals given a low dose of the extract developed cancer, and the number of tumors per rat was 1.39. The group given the high dose of extract had even fewer tumors. About 38 percent of this high-dose group developed cancer, and the average number of tumors per animal was only .46 and, unlike the other animals, the majority were very small in size.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Refined Carbohydartes May Be The Cause Of Esophageal Cancer

Cases of esophageal cancer (adenocarcinoma) in the U.S. have risen in recent decades from 300,000 cases in 1973 to 2.1 million in 2001 at age-adjusted rates. A new study published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology shows that these rates in the U.S.
closely mirrored trends of increased carbohydrate intake and obesity from 1973-2001.

The study illustrates what may be a public heath concern as the composition of U.S. diets changes and total carbohydrate and refined carbohydrate intakes increase. Obesity is a risk factor for many cancerous types, and a diet that includes a high percentage of acid forming refined carbohydrates is a common contributor to obesity. Carbohydrates were also unique in that no other studied nutrients were found to correlate with esophageal cancer rates.

"The causes of esophageal cancer are the result of acidic lifestyle and dietary choices which includes the ingestion of animal protein, refined and complex carbohydrates," states Dr.Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, in San Diego, California.

Despite recent advances in treatment, esophageal cancer has a poor prognosis. The five-year rate of survival for esophageal cancer remains below 20 percent and is the eighth-leading cause of cancer related death in American men.

"If we can reverse the trends in refined carbohydrate intake and obesity in the U.S., we may be able to reduce the incidence of esophageal cancer," says Dr. Li Li, senior author of the study.

Dr. Young further suggests that, "an alkaline lifestyle and diet will eliminate obesity in America as well as ALL cancerous conditions, including esophageal cancer." He suggests that, "obesity is the body in preservation mode protecting the organs that sustain life by adsorbing and then absorbing dietary and metabolic acids or the body's own urine that is not being properly eliminated through urination."

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