Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Minerals Derived From Earth Are More Effective

Modern science confirms that minerals derived directly from the earth can be more effective than supplements synthesized by man.

In the 1960's when NASA was preparing to conquer space, experiments showed that weightlessness induced very rapid bone depletion. They funded a range of pharmaceutical companies to develop calcium supplements.

NASA researcher Benjamin Ershoff of the California Polytechnic Institute: reported that the "calcium in absorbed more efficiently and that it contains some factor or factors other than calcium which promotes improved calcium utilization and/or bone formation." He added, "Little or no benefit was noted when calcium alone was added to the diet."


The clay that NASA was using in their tests was a smectite montmorillonite clay.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center, "smectite montmorillonite clay can adsorb and absorb environmental, dietary and metabolic acids, heavy metals and other toxic chemicals protecting the delicate pH balance of the body fluids and keeping the body healthy and strong."

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